Fresh Organic Blueberries
Our exquisite berries are picked and packed at the peak level of ripeness to ensure perfect taste and nutrition. They are fully certified organic.
We follow up to date and strict food and safety protocol.
We use recyclable packaging that can be kept in both the fridge and the freezer. If you want to freeze the berries, do not wash them first, just place the container straight in the freezer.
Enjoy our berries sprinkled on your cereal or yoghurt, baked into pies or muffins, scattered on pancakes or simply as a delicious treat. They can be frozen in the packaging they arrive in, without any prior washing.
We will deliver to your home in Talca or Santiago. Simply send a WhatsApp to any of the following Distributors:
Lucy Baron: +56 9 6637 0278
(Lo Barnechea, El Arrayan)
Sophie Emery: +56 9 9222 0225
(Macul, La Florida, La Reina, Puente Alto, Nuñoa, Peñalolen)
Vicky Villar: +56 9 7852 0512
(Las Condes, Vitacura, La Reina, Providencia, Nuñoa)
Rebecca Cole:
+56 9 922 36423